Designing Wall Decor that expresses who You are is trending


Framing Memories is one talent we strive to do best.

Let You’ve Been Framed assist you in curating the most expressive grouping to showcase who you really are. Whether it’s simply photos of favorite people or places stored on your camera and phone or a collection of cherished family heirlooms tucked away in a drawer, let us assist you in displaying while preserving them best to share with the world.


Commemorative shadowbox with custom engine cutout designed to honor the Newark RR Overpass Mural Project.

Commemorative shadowbox with custom engine cutout designed to honor the Newark RR Overpass Mural Project.

Figure Skating Photos, scorecards, and medals shadowboxed to commemorate Skate Wilmington

Figure Skating Photos, scorecards, and medals shadowboxed to commemorate Skate Wilmington

Mounting of Medals & Objects, no matter how highly dimensional, are a challenge we love to tackle. Let us shadowbox your mementos today.

Mounting of Medals & Objects, no matter how highly dimensional, are a challenge we love to tackle. Let us shadowbox your mementos today.